Julia loves to talk about maternity and her travels. She has visited 58 countries...and counting.
She lived abroad on three occasions: New York, Barcelona, and Rome. In Italy and Spain, she remained for a short period just to evolve in their respective languages. The journalist is fluent in English and has an intermediate Spanish.
Her first job was at the traditional "Jornal do Brazil" where she wrote about politics. Later on, she moved to the Ministry of Sports until she was hired by TV Globo in 2010. Julia remained there for almost 13 years and was able to cover the Olympics, World Cups, and many big events, from equestrian competitions to football.
Julia Garcia was born in journalism and started in college at the age of 15, in Brasilia. She graduated and moved to New York where she worked as an intern at Globo's international offices for 6 months. She also concluded the editing course at the Manhattan Edit Workshop. She moved back to Brazil and graduated in Marketing and Advertising.

Julia is the social media manager and editor of journalist's Alexandre Garcia's platforms.
She participated live in three sports programs at SporTV, a brazilian television network that belongs to TV Globo. On the segments at "Redação SporTV", "Giro da Rodada" and Giro "SporTV", Julia was a social media curator and brought to the audience what was trending on their platforms. She also was a producer at a documentary show called SporTV Reporter and a segment called "Start" at Brazil's main sports program "Esporte Espetacular".
Olympics and World Cups. Julia has had exeperience in many different sports tournaments. During Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics Games, she had a Red Carpet segment on which she interviewed athletes and TV personalities, such as Asafa Powell (sprinter), Thiago Pereira (swimming), Jaqueline (volleyball), Sam Dorman e Mike Hixon (diver), Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (marathonist), Felipe Tito (actor), Greg Louganis (divers), Verônica Hipólito (atletismo), Agatha beach volleyball), Jody Cundy (cycling), amongst many others.
Where I've been
Electronic Sports

She covered 3 Majors in loco 4 Majors (Berlin, Rio, Paris, and Copenhagen), went to championships in Cologne, Chicago, Helsinki, Kazan, Dallas, SP, BH, and Rio, and has about 60 exclusive interviews in “1x1” format (more than 10 minutes long) with the main pro players.
In 2017 Julia fell in love with Counter-Strike and ended up diving into that world.
Julia fell in love with electronic sports in 2016 and quickly embraced the gaming scene. She became the only woman in the esports team at Globo throughout the 7 years of coverage.
Special coverages and latest news in eletronic sports

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