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Júlia Garcia Jornalistae Produtora de conteúdo

CS:GO: JOTA gets benched and LUCAS1 subs at BLAST Showdown

Writer's picture: Julia GarciaJulia Garcia

The twins Lucas "LUCAS1" and Henrique "HEN1" will play side by side again, at least at BLAST Showdown Américas, which will be between the 4th and 8th of October. As published by Imperial, Jhonathan "JOTA" has been moved to the bench.

We inform you that the player JOTA will be moved to the bench. We appreciate all his dedication and effort in competitions and training.Together we wrote an important part of our history.
Therefore, LUCAS1 will complete with our team only at Blast, which starts on October 4th. With a long history in the competitive scene, he will be an extremely important addition to IMP.
Keep an eye out for the announcement of our official line soon.

JOTA joined the organization in January to replace Fernando "fer". Among the championships played by JOTA are seasons 17 and 18 of ESL Pro League, as well as IEM Cologne, BLAST Premier Spring Final and IEM Rio.

- Hello family, as of today I'm benched at Imperial. I'm still under contract and open to offers - said JOTA.

LUCAS1 and HEN1 last played together on 00Nation, almost two years ago. HEN1 moved to GODSENT and LUCAS1 did not sign with any other team since then.

- Very happy to have this opportunity and complete Imperial. It's been a while since I played a little camp with HEN1. Let's start grinding to represent Brazil and the imp well! - LUCAS1 posted.

This is a remake of 2016's Immortals, which had almost the same roster except Vinicius "VINI". At the time Lucas "steel", who now plays for Flamengo Esports, was part of the line.


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