Five days after announcing Oleksadr "s1mple"'s break from competition, NAVI revealed that the replacement for Best of the Decade will be 18-year-old Ukrainian Ihor "w0nderful". The AWPer comes from Sprout and is a great promise in the Counter Strike 2 scene.
The team will bootcamp in Barcelona before heading to BLAST Premier: Fall Final, which will be in Denmark between November 22nd and 26th. Afterwards, they will go to BLAST World Final, from December 13th to 17th, in Dubai.
“I'm excited to join such a legendary organization as NAVI! It was my biggest dream ever since I started playing CS. It's obvious, right? I know that it's hard to fully replace a player of s1mple's caliber and fulfill everyone's expectations, but trust me, I'll do everything in my power! - said w0nderful.