Two teams that are with R10 at Games of the Future played this Friday: basketball/NBA2k from R10 USA and CS2/Laser Tag from Ramboot R10. In Kazan, Russia, the basketball team reached its second victory and has secured a spot at the quarterfinals. The disipline has a US$1.25 million prize pool. In CS2, the Spanish quintet was run over by the Russians from HOTU. The GOF runs until March 3 and has a US$10 million prize pool.

R10 USA is on a roll in the competition that mixes digital games with physical modalities. With Matt "Bash", star of the NBA2k League, and Leo Branquinho, the duo beat the Serbians from Partizan on PS5 by 20 to 10. Whoever reaches 19 first has the digital win. Then, Leo Branquinho paired up with Jonatas "Rhino" to compete on the court in a 2x2 match. With two dunks from Branquinho, the Brazilian 3x3 National team won 31-18 and secured their place in the quarterfinals. Matt, the American from NBA2k, even took to the court for game strategy. The team rplays again this Sunday.

In CS2, Ramboot R10 did not have the same success as basketball and lost 2-0 in digital - in Ancient and Nuke, double 13 to 6. The hosts of HOTU still won in physical, which was played in Laser Tag. In the "real" game, the team that reaches six rounds first wins and the result was 6 to 1.
This Saturday, the R10 will have two more debuts. Braboots enters the scene in the battle of robots with student engineers from Fortaleza assembling a 100kg prototype that has a crusher to destroy the robot assembled by a Russian squad. Later, R10 Portugal enters the field in eFootball and football. Finally, the Ramboot R10 basketball returns to the courts against the Caribbean Squad, making it all or nothing for the Spanish team.
